Sun-kissed at Golden Hour

Family portraits often hold immense sentimental value. They capture moments, relationships, and memories that are priceless.

Thank you so much for choosing me as your photographer. It was my joy an honor to be a part of creating these memories for you and your kids. I loved capturing the special bond and relationship that you have with both of them. I love the location we chose in Pasadena near Echo Mountain with its beautiful trees and wild fields. Shooting at golden hour gave us the beautiful warm gentle tones and glow over the landscape.

I hope the images we captured will be a lasting keepsakes that you and the kids can look back on and enjoy!


Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,

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Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,
Family portraits, mother and children, Valencia photographer,

Please get in touch with me for more information on
availability, custom packages, or pricing